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Archival Footage. Twelve movie clips from archival sources including The Liberation of Auschwitz,The Yellow Star: The Persecution of the Jews in Europe 1933-45, and The Liberation of Majdanek. Ernest Drücker tells his story of escape from Vienna as a teenager. Marietta Drücker tells her story of rescue from Vienna on a Kindertransport. Betty Grebenschikoff tells her story of escape to Shanghai. Edith Loebenberg describes her family's struggle under the Nazi regime. Anita Mayer tells her story of arrest and life in a concentration camp Sylvia Richman tells about life in a Jewish ghetto in Poland. Sam Schryver tells his story of life in Holland under the Nazi occupation. Marie Silverman tells her story of escape from Antwerp Helga Waldman tells her story of leaving Germany on a Kindertransport. "A Good Man by the Name of Jeff." The story of one rescuer during the Holocaust as told by Anita Mayer.
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A Teacher's Guide to the Holocaust
Produced by the Florida Center for Instructional Technology,
College of Education, University of South Florida © 2000.